Border Fence Between Ásotthalom And Tiszasziget In Hungary Soon Ready

  • 12 Aug 2015 9:00 AM
Border Fence Between Ásotthalom And Tiszasziget In Hungary Soon Ready
A new section of the border fence will be ready on the Hungarian- Serbian border by the end of the week. The section of the razor wire fence in Csongrád County, between Ásotthalom and Tiszasziget, will be ready by the weekend, Lieutenant- Colonel Ferenc Bátor, the deputy commander in charge of the construction, said in Mórahalom.

Construction of the supporting structure of the fence, which will be placed behind the razor wire, has also begun at three locations, he added.

Around 200 soldiers are working in six groups along the 70-kilometre section between Ásotthalom and Tiszasziget, helped by public workers, he said.

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MTI photo: Kelemen Zoltán Gergely

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