Hungarian Government Launches Information Campaign Along Migrant Transit Routes

  • 9 Sep 2015 9:01 AM
Hungarian Government Launches Information Campaign Along Migrant Transit Routes
The Hungarian government has published the first image of its information campaign launched along migrant transit routes to the south of Hungary warning would-be immigrants that illegally crossing the country’s borders is a criminal offense punishable with a prison sentence.

According to the notice, which was published on the cabinet’s official Facebook post, the dissemination of the leaflets was begun on 6 September.

It is the first campaign the Hungarian government is launching abroad to try to persuade migrants to avoid Hungary after Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told the country’s envoys abroad yesterday that doing so is a “moral obligation” because Hungary cannot accept responsibility for casualties along the route to Western Europe.

According to the Facebook post, the awareness campaign aims to “decrease migratory pressure on Hungary”.


Republished with permission
MTI photo: Kelemen Zoltán

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