Hungary’s PM Orbán Welcomes German Decision On Border Controls

  • 14 Sep 2015 4:50 AM
Hungary’s PM Orbán Welcomes German Decision On Border Controls
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán welcomed the decision the German government announced on Sunday evening to introduce temporary controls on its border with Austria, according to an online report by German daily Bild. “We have great understanding of Germany’s decision and we support it,” he told the paper. “We understand that the decision needed to be taken in order to protect Germany’s and Europe’s ... values,” Orbán said, adding that Hungary “is ready to cooperate in all ways.”

Orbán said he was convinced that the decision on temporary border controls in Germany was just “a first step” because “Europe’s borders must be protected, in Greece, too, as soon as possible,” through cooperation by all EU member states and institutions. Hungary made this position clear at a recent meeting of EU interior ministers, the daily said.

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MTI photo: Koszticsák Szilárd

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