Aversion To Refugees Growing In Hungary

  • 8 Oct 2015 9:00 AM
Aversion To Refugees Growing In Hungary
Aversion to refugees has become extremely strong in Hungarian society, according to a Medián poll conducted last month. A large majority of Hungarians consider migrants violent and demanding rather than peaceful and co-operative, and most believe that refugees are a health and terror risk.

The survey of 1,500 people, conducted September 11-15, before the Röszke disturbance on September 16, suggests that the unprecedented influx of refugees has negatively affected Hungarians’ views of foreigners and immigration.

The number that would tighten regulations on refugees has risen from 66% last November to 79% last month.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

This news item is one of many published daily by HATC, a premier subscription news service which distributes English-language info about Hungary via email or fax. For a free trial of HATC visit www.hatc.hu and click on 'Free Trial Subscription’.

MTI photo: Soki Tamás

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