Insight Through Art, Tárt Kapu Gallery Budapest, On Until 30 November

  • 20 Nov 2015 2:02 AM
Insight Through Art, Tárt Kapu Gallery Budapest, On Until 30 November
Hungarian and German autistic people’s work can be seen together for the first time. With astounding themes, virtuoso compositions and bright colors, the Insight trough art exhibit offers a rare peak into the closed world of autistic people. The show features works of German and Hungarian artists living with autism including drawings created in the Art Program of Mosoly Otthon Foundation, and akku – Autismus Kunst und Kultur, which gathers autistic artists.

The program of the Mosoly Otthon Foundation is the only art workshop in Hungary that is specially designed to the needs of autistic people.

The program launched in 2010 and is now available in 6 autistic homes boasting an impressive collection of around 7000 drawings. The exhibition is on view until November 30 at Tárt Kapu Galéria.

Exhibiting artists:
Adolf Beutler, Angelika Bienst, Josef Gürkan, Corinna Heidepriem, Bernhard Hennecke, Manuel Hertel, Till Kalischer,  Reimar Thomsen, Matias Völksch, Phillipp Wewerka, Dávid Abucki, Mihály Bálizs, László Bihari, Nóra Kalocsai, Péter Kiss,
Renáta Lakatos, Imre Nótár, Zulejka Pados, Kristóf Réti, Tamás Stadtmüller, Máté Varga, Viktor Vreczenár, Kristóf Zana, Gábor Zoltán

Venue: Tárt Kapu Gallery -

Address: Pest IX, Hőgyes Endre u. 2.

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