Foreign Minister Rejects EP President’s ‘Insults’

  • 4 Feb 2016 8:00 AM
Foreign Minister Rejects EP President’s ‘Insults’
Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó rejected “insults” directed towards Hungary by European Parliament President Martin Schulz, who recently said “selfish” acts by certain European governments, including that of Hungary, were part of the reason why the EU has so far failed to secure the bloc’s external borders.

Schulz told German public television channel ARD on Wednesday that governments “like Hungary’s”, that refer to the migrant crisis as a “German problem”, put their “nationalist” interests ahead of finding a common solution to the crisis.

He said there were 20 EU member states that are only interested in the EU’s affairs when it comes to receiving money. Szijjártó responded by saying that it had “once again become clear” that Schulz has a “superiority complex” over eastern and central European countries.

The minister said Hungary had opened its markets to Europe and fulfilled all of its commitments to the EU, thereby becoming eligible to receive EU funds.

“These [funds] are not handouts. We are entitled to them,” he said.

Szijjártó said it is the “constantly insulted” Visegrad Four countries that are working on finding a solution for illegal migration, noting that the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia invited Bulgaria and Macedonia to attend an emergency V4 summit on migration scheduled for February 15.

Szijjártó said Bulgaria and Macedonia could be key players in protecting Europe from the massive flow of migrants.

“While Martin Schulz is heading towards a dead end, the V4 countries and their partners are doing everything they can to curb illegal migration,” Szijjártó said.

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MTI photo: Illyés Tibor

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