PM’s Security Advisor Urges Better Counter-Terrorism Coordination

  • 8 Feb 2016 8:00 AM
PM’s Security Advisor Urges Better Counter-Terrorism Coordination
Real-time information exchange is needed between Europe’s secret services, the prime minister’s security advisor said in connection with the threat of terrorism. Enhancing the powers of security organisations, boosting their manpower and strengthening the means at their disposal is on the agenda of all European countries affected by terrorism, György Bakondi told public news channel M1.

The authorities have been screening migrants on their main routes into Europe in recent months. In response, a large number of migrants have started seeking out new routes, he said.

Hungary is taking the necessary precautions and increasing the presence of police and soldiers on affected border stretches, Bakondi added.

Commenting on a planned constitutional amendment connected with the threat of terrorism, he said the government is ready to introduce a “complex series of measures” in order to improve Hungarians’ security.

“If this cannot be passed in line with the rules that require a two-thirds parliamentary majority then the government will turn to the Hungarian people”.

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MTI photo: Balogh Zoltán

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