Majority Of Hungarians Rejects Illegal Migration

  • 3 Aug 2016 9:00 AM
Majority Of Hungarians Rejects Illegal Migration
Some 90% of ordinary people continue to reject illegal migration to Europe, according to a report by the Századvég Political School Foundation.

A survey by the Fidesz-linked institution found that only one in four Hungarians say that they or a close relative of theirs have personally encountered illegal entrants.

One in ten spoke about harassment and insults, and three-fourths of respondents made negative statements about refugees.

The results show that Hungarians rely on Hungarian-language media for reports on the issue, while one in six said they get information from foreign news sources.

The respondents expect tougher border defence from the EU particularly, while 71% consider the proposed distribution of asylum-seekers among member states as unacceptable.

The results are based on a June 20-30 survey of 2,004 adults.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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