Hungary’s PM Orbán Says Saturday’s Bombing Not Connected To Migration Crisis

  • 28 Sep 2016 8:30 AM
Hungary’s PM Orbán Says Saturday’s Bombing Not Connected To Migration Crisis
In an interview given to state television channel M1, prime minister Viktor Orbán said there was nothing to indicate that the Saturday’s explosion was connected to the migration crisis.

“Even if it is impossible to rule this out, at this moment there is nothing to indicate this, which comes as something of a relief.”

The head of government said that whatever the perpetrator’s motive, it was cowardly deed to deliberately attack police.

When asked what instructions he had given the ministry of the interior, he said “capture him at any price, hunt down the perpetrator, and get out of him why he did it.”

On the subject of the so-called settlement quota, Orbán said that there are countries that do not protect themselves as a result of which “migrants pile up in the millions”, a problem which they try to solve by distributing them, said the prime minister, referring to a EU burden sharing plan to temporarily settle refugees in EU member states while their asylum applications are processed.

“The problem is not with the migrants but with Brussels” said the prime minister, repeating his point of view that the roots of the refugee crisis need to be solved, saying “we musn’t admit the problem to Europe.”

He said that the government was not boasting that it acted properly, but that a lot of energy and energy was invested in solving the problem. He believes that if people accustomed to living on less than USD 2 a day learn of legal basis for a better life, that they will destroy Europe and Hungary.

“I love my homeland, and I would like it to remain this way” said the prime minister, adding that Hungary was defending its right not to change.

“We like Hungary the way it is. If we wanted to change it, even then we would not give into a external compulsory influence.”

Referring to an article that appeared in pro-government Magyar Idők today, Orbán said that if political decision makers had paid attention to warnings on the part of their state security organs that terrorists were mixing with the migrants, “they could have saved the lives of a lot of European citizens.”

He said it was necessary to defend the Balkans by building a defense line in northern Greece, but that European politicians do not support this because “for sure they think that Hungary will protect them again.”

He repeated that he thought a good solution would be for refugees wishing to travel to Europe to be made to wait outside of Europe while countries decided whether or not to admit them. This, however, would require a European army, without which “ large refugee city could neither be created nor defended.”

Source: The Budapest Beacon

Republished with permission

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