Szijjártó: Hungary To Present Proposals On Handling Migration At New York Summit

  • 20 Sep 2016 9:00 AM
Szijjártó: Hungary To Present Proposals On Handling Migration At New York Summit
Hungary will present a set of proposals on how to handle the migration crisis at a migration summit of the United Nations in New York starting Monday. Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said before the summit that Hungary’s position is that approaches to migration must be based on international law, which states that “the right to safety is a basic human right, but choosing the country where one wants to live is not.”

The proposals include taking assistance to the source countries and “stopping the encouragement of about 30-35 million people to start leaving for Europe.” It must be made clear that the wave of migrants violating the borders without any kind of control leads to security risks and allows terrorist organisations to infiltrate Europe, he said.

All states have a responsibility to protect their citizens, and attacks lodged against countries that protect their borders is “hypocritical”, Szijjártó said, adding that 90% of migrants arrive in Europe with the help of criminal organisations or human smugglers.

Hungary also supports a strengthening of preventative diplomacy advocated by the United Nations, Szijjártó said, and gave warning against efforts by the west to “export democracy” to the Middle East or North Africa, where cultural and religious norms are different.

Republished with permission of Hungary Matters, MTI’s daily newsletter.

MTI photo: Burger Zsolt

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