Prime Minister On Hungary Referendum Impact Abroad

  • 10 Oct 2016 9:00 AM
Prime Minister On Hungary Referendum Impact Abroad
The prime minister commented on the impact of Hungary’s national referendum on mandatory EU migrant quotas abroad. Viktor Orbán told public Kossuth radio that Nicolas Sarkozy, who has a chance of winning the French election, has already said he would call a referendum on migration related matters if he wins.

“I see that that Europe is becoming democratized. More and more countries are acknowledging that when it comes to matters of importance, such as immigration, political leaders may not choose their decision without the approval of the people,” Orbán said.

If the president and other leaders of the EC had followed EU rules, there would have been no need for a referendum in Hungary, the prime minister said.

The European Council, made up of member states’ prime ministers, decided twice that they did not support mandatory quotas; regardless, the EC started to legislate on such quotas, he added.

EU interior ministers are scheduled to meet in Brussels on Oct. 13 to discuss the EC’s mandatory quota proposal, among other issues, Orbán said.

But in Hungary’s view that proposal must be taken off the meeting’s agenda since that runs counter to the EU prime ministers’ previous decision, he added.

“We must stand our ground on Oct.13, and at the EU summit in Brussels two weeks later,” said Orbán.

Republished with permission of Hungary Matters, MTI’s daily newsletter.

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