Domestic Used Car Sales Could Rise 13% In 2016

  • 16 Dec 2016 7:09 AM
Domestic Used Car Sales Could Rise 13% In 2016
Sales of domestic used cars in Hungary could rise by an annual 13% to 615,000 in 2016, data compiled by used car portal show. Sales of imported used cars could be up by 16% at 143,000. Használtautó said that the share of imported vehicles among used cars has been steadily rising from 12% in 2012 to 16% in 2014 and to 19% in 2016.

 While the share of imported used cars rose, the portal notes that the pace at which the number of imported cars is growing has slowed.

In 2014 the number of imported used cars rose by 37% annually, in 2015 by 27% and in 2016 by only 16%.

Republished with permission of Hungary Matters, MTI’s daily newsletter.

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