Committee Rejects Referendum On Scrutiny Of Politicians’ Wealth Increase

  • 12 Apr 2017 9:00 AM
Committee Rejects Referendum On Scrutiny Of Politicians’ Wealth Increase
In a meeting on Tuesday, the National Election Committee rejected referendum questions on the scrutiny of politicians’ wealth increase submitted by a private individual. The six questions were submitted by Zsolt Fábián and had been announced by György Gémesi, head of the nonparliamentary New Beginning party.

The proposal suggested that the Tax Office should scrutinise the growth of wealth of all government members, lawmakers and mayors, and their direct family members, who held positions between 1987 and 2017.

The election office unanimously decided that all of the questions were too complex to meet the requirements of referendum questions.

Additionally, they would violate the constitutional ban on legislation with retroactive effect, the body ruled.

Republished with permission of Hungary Matters, MTI’s daily newsletter.

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