Orbán: Hungary, US Governments To Discuss CEU Issue

  • 3 Apr 2017 12:00 PM
Orbán: Hungary, US Governments To Discuss CEU Issue
The governments of Hungary and the United States will discuss the issue of Budapest’s Central European University, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told reporters in Parliament on Monday, in connection with a recent bill on universities financed from foreign sources.

Both parties “will be governed by goodwill” at the talks, Orbán insisted, adding that “there is no reason for anxiety”.

Concerning the future of the CEU, which critics of the bill see as jeopardised if the motion is passed into law, the prime minister said: “We will ask the Americans what they want”.

Orbán insisted that 27 foreign universities in Hungary, including the “Soros university”, contravene Hungarian regulations, and the bill before parliament was designed “to fix that”.

If the bill is passed into law, such foreign universities or colleges could only operate in Hungary if governed by an inter-governmental agreement.

Republished with permission of Hungary Matters, MTI’s daily newsletter.

MTI photo: Illyés Tibor

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