Road R76 Construction To Start

  • 17 May 2017 8:00 AM
Road R76 Construction To Start
The state infrastructure development company NIF has announced a tender to construct the first two stretches of road R76 connecting the town of Zalaegerszeg with the M7 motorway, according to public procurement magazine Közbeszerzési Értesítõ.

The first stretch is 5.6km, between the M7 and Balatonszentgyörgy and the second is 3km heading towards Fenékpuszta.

The road will be part of a self-driving car experimental area near Zalaegerszeg and will introduce smart elements such as intelligent lighting and traffic lamps, illuminated road surfaces and flexible lane setting.

Bidders for the first stretch must have a net revenue totalling a minimum of Ft 18 billion over the last three calendar years and revenues of a minimum of Ft 13.5 billion for road construction. The two minimum thresholds for the second stretch are Ft 11 billion and Ft 8.5 billion respectively.

Bids must be submitted by June 23.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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