Dee Dee Bridgewater @ Congress Center, 7 October

  • 3 Oct 2019 2:27 PM
Dee Dee Bridgewater @ Congress Center, 7 October
There are some who marvel at the inexhaustible energy in the performances of Dee Dee Bridgewater. Others love her "classicism,” seeing in her the most authentic contemporary successor to the great female jazz singers of the past.

And yet we could rightly enthuse just as much about her extraordinarily varied shows and her professionalism; the way in which she "occupies” a huge stage within moments to conjure a performance before her audience of a thousand hues in both sound and performing attitude.

Bridgewater has a rich pedigree not only as a singer but also in the theatre, which we can sense immediately in the way she moves on stage, in her communication with the audience and fellow musicians, and in her interpretation of songs.

She knows exactly how to mesmerise her public, and those working with her on stage too. Those who have seen her joint concert with the world-renowned pianist Lang Lang may recall how she enchanted the Chinese star with her self-deprecation, humour and charm.

Date and time:
Monday, 7 October, 8 pm 

Ticket prices:
HUF 9,900 - 19,900

Budapest Congress Center
1123  Budapest, 1-3, Jagelló út

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