Video: 'Night of Researchers' Held Online In Hungary, 27 – 28 November

  • 19 Nov 2020 10:04 AM
Video: 'Night of Researchers' Held Online In Hungary, 27 – 28 November
In 2020 due to Covid restrictions all the programs of this annual series of entertaining and educational events will be held online. 

"‘Researchers’ Night’ is a pan-European event involving a wide range of scientific and research organisations – including laboratories and academic institutions – hosting a variety of entertaining and fun events.

It's a Europe-wide public event that brings researchers closer to the public, funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA).

The event provides researchers the opportunity to showcase the diversity of science and its impact on citizens’ daily lives, and to stimulate interest in research careers – especially among young people. 

The events highlight how researchers contribute to our society by displaying their work in an interactive and engaging forum.

In 2019, 55 projects were implemented. The projects took place in 433 cities from 27 countries across Europe and beyond. Over 1.6 million visitors attended the event and over 36,000 researchers took part – including 955 MSCA fellows.

To see the local events visit - for programs designed for not only a Hungarian-speaking audience, click on 'Külföldieknek is'. 

Check out the preview video below
- if you are interested in programs organised by other counties you can find them here.

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