Budapest Architecture Film Days, 4 – 13 March
- 1 Mar 2021 5:44 AM

2020 turned the world upside down. The pandemic drew even sharper attention to a number of phenomena that are regularly addressed at the Budapest Architecture Film Days. Unbridled urbanization and the destruction of natural habitats mean unprecedented consequences for all of us.
Rising unemployment and expiring moratoriums have put many families at the risk of eviction. Tourism-dependent cities are facing serious economic challenges. Inequalities between wealthier and poorer neighborhoods are now more pronounced than before, increasingly isolating not only groups with different social statuses, but also different generations.
At the same time, the lockdowns also accelerated a number of long-awaited positive social transformations that our audiences have already encountered in the films. Urban green spaces and green technologies have become more valuable; air quality has improved in many cities as a result of curfews and less travel.
City leaders, often in defiance of their own governments, have introduced a range of sustainable transport solutions and democratic decision-making processes.
Solidarity networks matured in social movements have greatly contributed to the survival of the pandemic: cohesive neighborhood communities, charitable food distribution and other supportive actions have helped the most vulnerable groups to survive the crisis.
The motto of the 13th Budapest Architecure Film Days is RECONNECT.
Its main themes are restarting and reconnection: reuniting the individual with the community, empathy for others, solidarity, a more conscious and sensible relationship with nature, traveling without emission, and sustainable development, among others.
The showcased films raise questions, argue, delve into problems, urge you to take a stand while, as an ensemble, they make it clear the challenges we face today do not exist on their own but are closely intertwined.
Check out the full programme here.
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