Hungarian 'Civilian Intelligence' To Be Strongest In Region, Says Foreign Affairs Minister

  • 4 Feb 2021 7:49 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Hungarian 'Civilian Intelligence' To Be Strongest In Region, Says Foreign Affairs Minister
The government is working to make the Hungarian civilian intelligence services the strongest in the region, Péter Szijjártó, the minister for foreign affairs and trade, said.

Szijjártó said after a session of parliament’s national security committee that the necessary developments were under way.

The coronavirus epidemic has accelerated changes in the world, Szijjártó said, ushering in a “new type of competition” between states and governments.

The changes are mainly economic in nature, with strong competition for investments, the minister said.

“We will have to use every tool we have to protect Hungarian interests and the economy, and to bring about large-scale growth…” Szijjártó said.

Hungary’s large, integrated and unified foreign affairs apparatus, which includes civilian intelligence services, is a “great help” in achieving those goals, he added.

MTI Photo: Mátyás Borsos

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