Right-Wingers In Hungary More Wary Of Vaccines, Reveals Survey

  • 12 Apr 2021 6:17 AM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
Right-Wingers In Hungary More Wary Of Vaccines, Reveals Survey
Right-wing voters are more sceptical of vaccinations than opposition supporters, according to a Publicus Institute survey commissioned by Népszava.

Right-wing voters are more sceptical of vac-cinations than opposition supporters, accord-ing to a Publicus Institute survey commis-sioned by Népszava.

The poll found that if people could choose their vaccine, most would opt for Pfizer, and that two-thirds of Hungarians do not believe that the opposition is against vaccinations.

In terms of party affiliation, 84% of those affiliated with the Socialists would get vac-cinated if they could choose their vaccine, compared to 51% of Fidesz sympathisers.

Willingness to be inoculated on these terms was also higher among Jobbik, Demo-cratic Coalition and Momentum voters than among Fidesz supporters.

Some 61% of all respondents, including a third of Fidesz partisans, did not consider the opposition anti-vaxxer.

According to the research, there is no outstanding difference in the willingness to vaccinate depending on place of residence, whether it is a city, town or smaller settle-ment.

Opinions on individual vaccines, on the other hand, differ; most vaccinees prefer Pfiz-er (76%) or Moderna (56%), ahead of Si-nopharm and the Russian Sputnik V (both 49% each).

However, people are most hesitant about the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine; it had the lowest level of acceptance (45%).

The results are based on a late March online and telephone survey of 1,000 people.

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