Most Hungarian Universities Make Masks Mandatory

  • 4 Nov 2021 11:56 AM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
Most Hungarian Universities Make Masks Mandatory
Higher education has resumed with much stricter measures after the long weekend, as a number of post-secondary institutions require that masks be worn on their premises from November 2, Eduline writes.

From this week, for example, masks are mandatory at the Széchenyi István University in Győr; not only in lectures and seminars, but in all community spaces, such as corridors, common areas of dormitories, offices, departments, at meetings and events.

Students are asked to notify the institution on an online interface if they become ill or are quarantined.

The regulations were also changed at the University of Pécs.

Whereas until now it was mandatory to wear a mask only during lectures, seminars, discussions, meetings and administration, now only those eating meals are exempt from the rule.

Authorities have also tightened measures at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, where a mask is obligatory in all enclosed spaces.

MTI Photo: Tamás Sóki

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