Fidesz Head Of State Nominee Katalin Novák 'More Disliked Than Liked'

  • 31 Jan 2022 8:08 AM
Fidesz Head Of State Nominee Katalin Novák 'More Disliked Than Liked'
Sixty percent of Hungarians in a new poll would prefer the head of state to be chosen through a direct election, and only 32% wanted Parliament to continue to elect the nation’s president, reported Telex on recent polling by the Republikon Institute. The think tank’s latest poll interviewed 1,000 people by telephone between January 19-24.

Regarding Fidesz’s nominee for head of state, Katalin Novák (pictured), 77% of respondents offered an opinion of the former minister for family affairs.

The survey found that 46% of respondents had a favorable opinion of her, while 54% did not.

The article claims that although Katalin Novák’s favorability does not exceed the popularity of her party, she cannot be considered a particularly unpopular politician.

The Republikon poll also found that among voters who had to choose a party, Fidesz-KDNP and the United for Hungary opposition coalition would each get 47% of the electorate, while the Hungarian Two-Tailed Dog Party and Our Homeland would likewise gain 3% support each.

Another key finding in the poll was that as the election gets closer, the number of uncertain voters has started to significantly decrease, from 24% in the previous poll to 14% now among the entire population.

MTI Photo: Gergely Botár

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