Hungarian President Calls on New Gov’t To Resolve Lake Velence Water Supply Issue
- 12 Apr 2022 7:05 AM
- Hungary Matters
In the programme, Gyula Reich, secretary of the water management council, said issues around notoriously low water levels in the lake could be resolved through a new schedule of replenishing the water from its two reservoirs, as well as from karstic waters nearby, and by adding purified sewage.
The lake’s only natural source is a brook, which reaches the lake through two reservoirs near Zámoly and Pátka.
According to Reich, a channel should be built from the brook to the lake bypassing the two reservoirs, which are in a neglected state and call for cleaning.
Concerning the utilisation of purified sewage, Áder said re-using sewage was common practice in several parts of the world, noting that in Singapore it was bottled as drinking water.
MTI Photo: Boglárka Bodnár
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