State Media Reporter Sacked for Operating Brothels in Hungary

  • 16 Jan 2023 11:32 AM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
State Media Reporter Sacked for Operating Brothels in Hungary
A reporter on the Duna TV crime exposé show “Kékfény” has been fired following his arrest by police on suspicion of running brothels, state media manager MTVA confirmed.

Police arrested the 44-year-old man who rented 13 flats in various parts of the country to prostitutes, and charged a daily Ft 12-15,000 from the women per flat.

Police reported on Friday that they had caught the suspect in Budapest in a co-ordinated police operation involving several county police stations and the National Bureau of Investigation.

Police said the man had rented flats from August, 2021 in several big cities for the use of sex workers.

He paid tens of millions of forints into his bank account, which might have come from criminal activities.

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