EU’s New Sanctions Proposal on Russia “Suicidal”, Claims Fidesz MEP

  • 7 Feb 2023 8:43 AM
  • Hungary Matters
EU’s New Sanctions Proposal on Russia “Suicidal”, Claims Fidesz MEP
The European Parliament’s proposal on the full embargo of Russian fossil fuels is “life-threatening, untenable and flawed”, Fidesz MEP Balázs Hidvéghi told public radio.

Fidesz MEPs stayed away from the vote because “this was the latest of many impossible texts we should have given our opinion on”.

The proposal welcomes the shipment of tanks and calls for the delivery of fighter jets and long-range missile systems to Ukraine, Hidvéghi said.

“Based on the false statement that this is our war,” NATO and the western allies are getting dragged into this war, he added. This approach only leads to escalation, he said.

The proposal also calls on member states to adopt a tenth package of sanctions, which proposes a “full and immediate embargo on all fossil fuels and uranium”.

The measure would result in a “dangerous and untenable situation”, he said. Earlier, similar proposals did not bring the end of the war closer, and further steps would be “suicidal and harmful to us, slowly ruining the security and quality of life of Hungarians and Europeans, to the point of collapse,” he said.

Regarding the corruption scandal plaguing Brussels, Hidvéghi said “this is clearly an extensive system of corruption that has been in place for a long time, and I think it has shaken the trust in the entire institution.”

Leftist parties are trying to deny the scope of the problem by insisting it only pertains to a few individuals, “but actually it is an institutional, manipulative practice.”

On the EP proposal on the transparency of political campaigning, Hidvéghi said the “dangerous” motion would interfere with member states’ election campaigns.

“It is unacceptable that an institution essentially working as a political committee or a censor’s office should decide what can be included in a campaign ad, and what qualifies as an acceptable or good political ad,” he said.

The proposal bears signs of the “anti-democratic, centralist approach treading rough-shod on member states’ competencies” generally typical of current EU decision-making, he said.

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