Sevenfold Increase in Guest Nights Spent in Balaton Region by Chinese Tourists

  • 6 Aug 2023 2:43 PM
  • Hungary Matters
Sevenfold Increase in Guest Nights Spent in Balaton Region by Chinese Tourists
Foreign visitors account for a little more than one-fourth of guest nights at destinations around Lake Balaton this summer, the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) said.

The foreign visitors, mainly from German-speaking countries and the Visegrad Group, have generated close to one-third of tourism accommodations revenues on Lake Balaton, Hungary’s most popular holiday resort.

The largest, close to sevenfold, increase was registered in the number of guest nights spent in the region by Chinese tourists, compared with the main season in 2022, MTÜ said in a statement.

By mid-season, almost 180,000 foreign visitors spent close to 650,000 guest nights on the shores of the “Hungarian sea”.

Total summer guest nights registered at Lake Balaton reached 2.4 million by mid-July.

Another 1.1 million guest nights have been booked around the lake for the rest of the summer, including 31% by foreign guests.

Those bookings show the most popular destinations for foreigners are Siófok, on the southern shore, Révfülöp and the spa town of Hévíz.

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