Number of Expats Settling in Hungary Increased by Over 60% in Past Decade

  • 26 Oct 2023 5:47 AM
  • Hungary Today
Number of Expats Settling in Hungary Increased by Over 60% in Past Decade
In ten years, the number of foreigners living in Hungary has increased by 61 percent, Géza Sebestyén, economist and Head of the Center for Economic Policy of Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC), pointed out in a post on his social media page.

The expert’s post shows that many people have arrived from Ukraine and Slovakia, while those from Romania are leaving rather than coming, reports Magyar Nemzet.

It is interesting to note that as compared to figures ten years ago, the number of German immigrants arriving in Hungary increased by 3,641, the number of Austrians by 1,075 and the number of immigrants from the United States by 2,489, based on data from the Central Statistical Office.

A few weeks ago, it was reported that Germans who have settled in Hungary are promoting their move on social networking site TikTok. They argued that people are more relaxed and laid-back, and integration is much easier than in other countries, among others.

Data from the Central Statistical Office also confirms that Hungary has become very popular among Germans.

The number of Germans settling here has increased dynamically by 34.9 percent in the last four years.

While in 2019, as many as 16,537 German nationals were living in Hungary, the number of German citizens now living in Hungary has reached 22,310 in 2023. In some regions in Transdanubia, including around Lake Balaton, a proper German-speaking infrastructure has developed, with German craftsmen and service providers already established.

It is also shown that the number of criminal offenses in Germany rose by 11.5 percent last year. The comparison with Hungary is all the more striking, where the number has fallen by 64.5 percent in the last ten years.

In Germany, there were 6,762 crimes per 100,000 inhabitants last year, while in Hungary the figure is 1,732, only a quarter of the German figure.

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