All Public Transport Could Soon Be Free for Under-14's in Hungary
- 30 Nov 2023 7:01 AM
- Hungary Around the Clock

Lázár gave a nearly two-hour speech at the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BKIK) Large Business Club, according to Világgazdaság.
The minister did not say whether a government decision on free public transport for under-14s had already been made, but the context made it appear a serious intention.
Since country-wide and county-wide public transport passes were introduced in May, 50,000-100,000 new season ticket holders have joined the system, said Lázár, adding that the Ft 600 per litre fuel price was also a factor, but the main reason for the increase was the new season tickets, of which more than 3.6 million have been sold.
Budapest mayor Gergely Karácsony welcomed the proposal in a Facebook post, saying
"The introduction of affordable county passes for intercity transport was a great move by the government.
Then, the transport minister proposed a complete takeover of the model in the capital by proposing free travel up to the age of 14. I can only agree".
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