Updated: Crime in Budapest Grew Overall Last Year - But Drop Recorded in Murders, Burglaries
- 15 Apr 2024 7:22 AM
- Hungary Matters

Budapest police chief Tamás Terdik told the meeting that there had been a considerable drop in the number of murders, with 35 murders registered in 2023, and none of them remained unsolved.
There was a 3% increase in the number of thefts, though the number of car thefts dropped by 8%, he said.
The number of burglaries dropped by 15% and the number of robberies by 8%, he said, adding that the number of burglaries was at an all-time low.
Terdik said there had been a shift in criminal activities, with an increase in cybercrime.
Budapest police received 201,000 calls last year and the average response time was 12%, among the fastest in the country, similarly to previous years, he said.
Rétvári: More Than 80% of Hungarians 'Feel Safe'
Around 83% of people in Hungary feel safe, and the number of crimes has fallen by 62% in a decade, Bence Rétvári, state secretary of the Interior Ministry said.
Speaking on the occasion of national crime prevention day, Rétvári thanked the police and crime-prevention staff for this achievement. He said Hungary was one of the safest countries in Europe, and this was partly because funds spent on the operation of the police and crime-prevention services had increased.
While the budget included 449 billion forints (EUR 1.146 billion) earmarked for the operation of the police in 2010, 1,309 billion forints will be spent on this purpose this year, the state secretary said.
Rétvári added that thanks to the work of the National Crime Prevention Council (NBT), fewer people were falling victim to crime today.
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