Day of Szekler Freedom: Ethnic Hungarian Community Fighting for National Self-Determination

  • 11 Mar 2024 6:51 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Day of Szekler Freedom: Ethnic Hungarian Community Fighting for National Self-Determination
The Szeklers, like other Hungarian communities in the Carpathian Basin, can count on the support of the Hungarian government, the state secretary for Hungarian communities abroad said, marking the Day of Szekler Freedom.

Árpád János Potápi said Hungarians today commemorated the Szekler martyrs who were executed in Targu Mures on March 10, 1854.

“This day is a tribute to our Szekler compatriots fighting for national self-determination,” Potápi said.

Szeklers’ demand for self-determination “is not an unprecedented desire” in the European Union, he said, citing the examples of the Austrians in South Tyrol and the Swedish-speaking residents of the Aland Islands in Finland.

If an ethnic community can freely practice its identity, culture and traditions, as well as operate its own institutions, not only does the given community benefit but so does the successor state too, Potápi said.

Territorial autonomy entailed protection, self-organisation and local legislation, he said, which was “good for everyone” and “not directed against anyone”.

Potápi urged as many people as possible to participate in the events commemorating the Day of Szekler Freedom, emphasising that this was a common cause of all Hungarians.

Click here to know more about Székely Freedom Day here

MTI Photos: Gábor Kiss / Edit Kátai

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Launched in January 2014, this newsletter published on week days covers 'everything you need to know about what’s going on in Hungary and beyond', according to its publisher the state media agency MTI.

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