Hungarian Astronaut Selected for International Space Station Mission

  • 28 May 2024 8:53 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Hungarian Astronaut Selected for International Space Station Mission
In line with the final decision of an expert committee, Tibor Kapu has been selected as the Hungarian astronaut to be sent to space and his backup will be Gyula Cserényi, the foreign minister said.

The ministry cited Péter Szijjártó as saying before setting off for a European Union foreign ministers’ meeting in Brusssels that Kapu and Cserényi will undergo the last phase of training.

Kapu is a 32-year-old mechanical engineer with a background in battery development in the automotive industry, and Cserényi is a 35-year-old electrical engineer, he added.

The two men were among four candidates in the Hungarian to Orbit (HUNOR) programme.

Hungary will send an astronaut to the International Space Station, with the cooperation of US-based Axiom Space, for a 30-day research mission at the end of 2024 or early in 2025.

MTI Photo of TIbor Kapu


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