'Luxurious Support' for Failed Hungarian Presidents Revealed & Questioned By Dobrev

  • 27 May 2024 9:37 AM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
'Luxurious Support' for Failed Hungarian Presidents Revealed & Questioned By Dobrev
Democratic Coalition list leader Klára Dobrev is initiating an amendment motion which would state that a president who is obliged to step down before their term ends – for instance due to resignation or dismissal – should not be eligible for lifelong allowances from the state.

She told a press conference on Saturday that heads of state who leave early should not be entitled to a lifetime monthly salary of Ft 5 million, a flat, a three-member secretariat, free top class healthcare services, a car and driver, as well as more than Ft 70 million annually for charity purposes, adding that the only exception would be if the president resigns due to a severe health problem.

Those presidents who served a full term already cost enough to Hungarian taxpayers and this largesse should not be granted to those who failed, Dobrev continued.

The Sándor Palace is the workplace of the highest constitutional dignitary rather than a stepping stone to an eternal life of luxury, she said.

A related bill will be submitted by the Democratic Coalition caucus and she is asking all democratic opposition parties with parliamentary representation to support the initiative.

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