Will LGBTQ Education Be Mandatory for Children in Hungary Under Gyurcsány Rule, or is This Claim Just a Scare Tactic by Fidesz MEP?

  • 17 May 2024 11:27 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Will LGBTQ Education Be Mandatory for Children in Hungary Under Gyurcsány Rule, or is This Claim Just a Scare Tactic by Fidesz MEP?
Fidesz MEP Balázs Hidvéghi has said opposition Democratic Coalition leader Ferenc Gyurcsány and Gergely Karácsony, the leftist mayor of Budapest, were planning “to let LGBTQ activists loose on children”.

He said the politicians had made a clear statement in support of “gender ideology”.

In a video statement uploaded to Facebook, the Fidesz MEP said the leftist politicians wanted to make LGBTQ education “mandatory for Hungarian children”, adding that this was clear from a statement they made yesterday.

“They would let Soros organisations and LGBTQ activists into Hungarian schools,” he said, citing “vomit-inducing activities in western Europe” seen for years on the television bulletins.

Hidvéghi accused the left wing of attacking parts of the Fundamental Law that protect the traditional family model, saying that Karácsony and his ilk did not regard “the father as a man or the mother as a woman”.


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