Horse Play in Hungary: National Gallop to Feature International Police Race & Historical Equestrian Parade

  • 16 Sep 2024 1:05 PM
Horse Play in Hungary: National Gallop to Feature International Police Race & Historical Equestrian Parade
This year's National Gallop, an annual celebration of Hungary's equestrian heritage, will feature an international race of mounted police officers among a host of other events.

New events at the three-day celebration to be held on October 4-6 in Szilvasvarad, in north-eastern Hungary, include a presentation of child riders from the HaZam Riding Stables and a production by the frontier warriors of the Gomor Equestrian Association, the organisers told MTI.

The first day of the event will see the mounted police of eight countries competing against each other.

The traditional international competition scheduled for the final day will include riders from the King's Guard in the United Kingdom as well as the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Other events will include a battle re-enactment from the 1848-49 revolution and freedom fight, a carriage pushing competition, a historical equestrian parade and more.

More about the event from the organisers:

The program of the National Gallop is expanding with the addition of an International Mounted Police Competition.

This year, the three-day National Gallop will feature new programs, including the International Mounted Police Competition, the HaZám Horse Yard children's equestrian performance, and a show by the Gömör Equestrian Association's border fortress knights. The regular spectacular events, such as the chariot-pushing contest, the herd driving, and the performance of the Győr Daredevil Riders, will also be held again this year.

On the first day of the National Gallop, Friday, the International Mounted Police Competition will see mounted police officers from eight countries compete. The first event is a simultaneous obstacle and speed race, where two riders start side by side and must jump and maneuver around obstacles on the course. The second event is an obstacle course that tests skills, including jumping through fire, knocking over barrel walls, and target shooting with a softball pistol.

The international participants will also compete on Sunday in the traditional International Race of the National Gallop, which this year will be a race of International Mounted Honor Guards. In addition to the previously mentioned teams, representatives from the Royal Guard of England and the Kingdom of Bahrain will join.

Sunday's performances will include a show by a riding organization that trains over 200 children at its equestrian school. The young riders from the HaZám Association will showcase the early stages of training and the exercises they practice.

Since its foundation 17 years ago, the National Gallop has been dedicated not only to reviving equestrian competitions in Hungary but also to bringing the Hungarian hussar figure back into public consciousness. In line with this mission, the event has collaborated for 17 years with the Hungarian Hussar and Military Heritage Preservation Association (MHKHSZ). This year, thanks to the Szilvásvárad location, 30 members of the nearby Gömör Equestrian and Folk Heritage Association will be present at the Gallop, giving a spectacular performance organized by the MHKHSZ.

The Győr Daredevil Riders, featuring top riders from the more than 300-member, 25-year-old special riding school, will perform again this year. Other highlights will include an 1848-49 battle scene reenactment, a herdsmen's show, the chariot-pushing competition, a display of the famous Puszta Five, a historical equestrian parade, and herd driving.

This year, competitors aged 10-13 will race in the Hussar Kids Gallop, those aged 14-17 in the Little Hussar Gallop, and adults over 18 in the National Gallop.

The 17th National Gallop will be held on October 4-6, 2024, at the Szilvásvárad Lipizzaner Equestrian Center, and tickets are available at

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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