Budapest Mayor's Telex Interview 'Full of Lies, Contradictions'

  • 1 Oct 2024 5:01 AM
Budapest Mayor's Telex Interview 'Full of Lies, Contradictions'
The interview Budapest Mayor Gergely Karacsony gave to news portal Telex on Monday is "full of lies and self-contradictions", the leader of the opposition Tisza Party told MTI.

"Karacsony has always had the skill to present himself as a victim to solicit pity, while he keeps promising everything to everybody but ends up not keeping the promises he makes," Peter Magyar said in a statement, ahead of the inaugural meeting of the next municipal assembly scheduled for October 4.

"A real leader fulfils their obligations mandated by law, which include seeking out candidates and solutions based on compromise. Such a leader would enter into consultation with key stakeholders and would refrain from making accusations," Magyar said, making reference to the issue of nominating a deputy mayor.

But what Karacsony had done instead, Magyar said, "was blackmail me", asserting that he would rather not nominate anyone for deputy mayor unless Tisza supported "the men of the [previous} Gyurcsany-Bajnai government", namely Ambrus Kiss and Csaba Tordai, to continue their work as councillors in the new assembly.

Magyar suggested that in the interview, Karacsony indicated that "unless Tisza supports 'the strong titans of the old regime' keeping their posts in the city's leadership and municipal companies, he would not even draft a budget for Budapest and would let everything collapse""And, together with [ruling] Fidesz, they would try to shift responsibility for it to the Tisza Party."

"The mayor stated openly that obviously he, the old leftist opposition, Fidesz and the Two-tailed Dog party linked strongly to Csaba Tordai would, too, attack the Tisza Party,"
 Magyar said. "This is what is happening now... The old ruling elite's members are now banding together and attacking the sole new political force that has potential, the one that has set it as its objective to eradicate corruption both at a municipal and a national level..."

Magyar rejected as "a lie" the claim that his party's councillors would "not take any responsibility" in the new assembly, arguing that Tisza will nominate one councillor for equal opportunities and another one for transparency and the lustration of contracts.

"And responsibilities can only be assumed if the representatives have real powers to exercise, and not all rights and powers are delegated to the mayor," Magyar insisted.

The Tisza Party will have ten representatives in the new municipal assembly.

Full interview in Hungarian available here

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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