Foreign Man Beaten by Security Guards at Budapest Club Sustained Life-Threatening Injuries

  • 21 Oct 2024 6:55 AM
Foreign Man Beaten by Security Guards at Budapest Club Sustained Life-Threatening Injuries
Budapest prosecutors are seeking prison sentences for four security guards who assaulted a group of Brazilian nationals at a club last summer.

According to the Budapest Prosecutor's Office, the three Brazilian men exited the 7th district club on the night of June 4, 2023. The security guards hired by the club told them to leave, but after they continued talking, one of the defendants assaulted them with a gas spray at around 3am.

Two of the Brazilian men left the scene, but one stayed and made a rude gesture at the security guards, after which one of the other guards sprayed him in the face.

After the victim continued to make gestures at the guards, they surrounded him, one of them put him in a chokehold from behind and slammed his head into the wall of a building before dropping him on the ground. One of the other victims tried to intervene but was sprayed again and hit in the back of the head with a telescopic stun baton.

Prosecutors say the man beaten by the security guards sustained life-threatening injuries.

Three of the guards have been charged with causing bodily harm resulting in life-threatening injuries and one with attempted grievous bodily harm.

Prosecutors are seeking prison sentences for them and asking the court to ban them from working as security guards in the future.

Short video from te security footage available here

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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