Foreign Tourist Numbers Up Significantly This Summer In Hungary - From Which Country Did they Increase the Most?

  • 14 Oct 2024 6:26 AM
Foreign Tourist Numbers Up Significantly This Summer In Hungary - From Which Country Did they Increase the Most?
The number of foreign tourists who visited Hungary during the summer was over 3 million, rising 14pc from the same period a year earlier, Visit Hungary, a unit of the Hungarian Tourism Agency said.

Foreign visitors spent close to 8 million guest nights at tourism accommodations in June-August, a nearly 6pc increase over the base period. Germans accounted for largest number of visitors, followed by nationals from the Visegrad Group.

The number of Chinese visitors increased the most, doubling from the previous summer. The number of Spanish visitors climbed 63pc and the number from Japan rose 42pc.

Close to half of foreign visitors' guest nights were booked at destinations other than the capital. Foreign tourists spending on accommodations at those destinations came to HUF 67bn. In the capital, their spending on bookings reached HUF 103bn.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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