Charity Run At Budapest Airport Attracts Over 1000 Participants

  • 12 Sep 2024 7:04 AM
Charity Run At Budapest Airport Attracts Over 1000 Participants
Runway Run, the charity run of Budapest Airport operated by VINCI Airports, took place on Saturday, 31 August with over 1000 runners competing this year. In line with traditions, the twelfth edition of the sporting event was again held for charity; Budapest Airport donated the entire amount raised from the entry fees to SUHANJ! Foundation and the Ments Életet Non-profit Foundation, which support sporting opportunities for and the recovery of handicapped and disabled people and sick children.

The first adult runners set off at 16:00 for their chosen distance, which could be completed on a new route for the twelfth Runway Run, the airport’s charity run.

This time, the runners started from the engine testing area, then left the closed Runway I, passed the airport hangars, and they once again ran along a Tu-154 aircraft, formerly a member of the Malév fleet, recently restored and now managed by the Aviation Cultural Centre (ACC).

This not only allowed the runners to complete the distance in a unique location for a worthy cause, but also to catch a glimpse of areas formerly seen only by a few or from afar.

Runway Run has traditionally symbolised the aviation industry coming together, but every year civilians paying the entry fee can also join through a social media competition.

This year’s high number of participants reflects the special atmosphere of the airport and the charitable purpose of the event: the organisers registered over 1000 runners. Budapest Airport will provide detailed information about this year’s donation later.

In addition to the distances announced for adults and children, the 12th Runway Run offered a Fun Run category this year as well, in which the smallest children could compete for the sheer joy of movement, either independently or accompanied by a parent.

The fastest runners in each category received their awards at the closing ceremony from the representatives of the airport operator and the main sponsors of the Ments Életet Foundation, Olympic champion swimmer Dr. Sándor Wladár, the president of the Hungarian Swimming Association and Tamás Darnyi, four-time Olympic champion swimmer.

Budapest Airport


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Related links

Runway Run: Athletes to Race at Budapest Airport Again this August

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