Relations Between Hungary & Central Asian Authoritarian Regime Increasingly Close

  • 14 Oct 2024 1:46 PM
Relations Between Hungary & Central Asian Authoritarian Regime Increasingly Close
Ties between Hungary and Kyrgyzstan have become increasingly close since Hungary started building relations with the fast developing central Asian region in good time, and has benefitted a lot from it already, Peter Szijjarto, the minister of foreign affairs and trade said.

The ministry cited Szijjarto as saying on the occasion of the Kyrgyz president's visit to Hungary that trade turnover between the two countries was record high last year, and had significantly grown this year.

Hungarian companies are increasingly successful in the Kyrgyzstan market, including in the areas of the health industry and pharmaceuticals, food processing and the sowing seed sector, he said.

He welcomed the fact that a Kyrgyz-Hungarian development fund set up with 16 million dollars two years ago had successfully financed two joint investment projects in the machine industry and animal farming, adding that a hydropower investment project was currently being planned.

He said Hungary highly appreciated Kyrgyzstan's role in the global fight against terrorism, and supported Kyrgyzstan's application for non-permanent membership in the UN Security Council.

Szijjarto also said that both countries belonged to the global pro-peace majority as regards the war in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Albania PM: 'Hungary role model for Albania'

Albania views Hungary as a role model, the country's prime minister said in Budapest after meeting Prime Minister Viktor Orban for talks on Friday.

Hungary has carried out the internal reform of its public administration system in "an exemplary way," Edi Rama told a joint press conference.

He praised the structural transformation of the Hungarian government, adding that Hungary had started to create a society moving towards welfare within "a not too promising financial framework".

Rama thanked Orban for the unwavering support towards the Western Balkans.

He also thanked the Hungarian EU presidency for its coordination work to moving ahead Albania's EU integration process.

Rama noted that at their meeting two cooperation agreements had been signed in agriculture and public administration.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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