On the Run Leader of Balkans Drug Cartel Brought to Hungary
- 10 Nov 2024 10:37 AM

The 32-year-old spent three years in hiding, and was taken straight to prison when his plane landed at Ferihegy International Airport on Wednesday night, police.hu said. He will spend 8 years in prison for drug trafficking, it said.
Investigations are under way in another two cases, where he is suspected to have been part of drug deals as a member of a gang led by Nikolic Andrija between 2019 and 2021, the statement said.
That operation was uncovered in March 2021 when EUROPOL and EUROJUST successfully hacked the Sky ECC surface containing information of the Hungarian suspect's activities including buying and selling at least 13kg of cocaine, 40 litres of amphetamine, 10,000 ecstasy pills and 82kg of marijuana.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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