Street Party on France's National Holiday, French Institute Budapest, 13 July

  • 5 Jul 2024 6:57 AM
Street Party on France's National Holiday, French Institute Budapest, 13 July
On 13th July, to celebrate France’s National Holiday, the French Institute is hosting a range of free concerts and workshops.

This year's Street Ball will once again feature a diverse and colourful programme. To kick the evening off, there will be a workshop teaching the basics of break dancing, introduced for the first time as a new sport at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

This will be followed by a Tahitian dance show, evoking the spirit of Tahiti, the venue of this year's Olympic surfing competition.

The second half of the street ball will feature world music by Ötödik Évszak and European Gypsy and Hungarian folk song arrangements by Romano Glaszo. The evening will finally close with a rousing DJ set by Daniel Moritz.

The French Bistro will be serving refreshments and snacks throughout the evening.

Programme for the Evening:

18:00-19:00 Break Dance Workshop

France is the hip-hop capital of the world,so it's no coincidence that break dancing will now be an official sport at the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris.

At the Street Ball you’ll have the chance to  try out the moves of this acrobatic sport for yourself! A teacher from the Master Dance School will be giving a one-hour workshop on the sport.

19:15-19:45 Tahitian Dance and Drum Show

Tahitian dance is an ancient, vibrant, playful, storytelling dance that embodies the spirit and soul of Polynesia. The stories told in the Manahiti Dancers and Drummers show transcend time and culture, conveying universal, eternal values. You won't be able to resist the powerful, sensual rhythm of the drums!

20:00-21:00 Ötödik Évszak

Their music is based on folk music from the Carpathian Basin, and their original sound is due to the poems that appear in their lyrics, their incorporation of elements of folk music that are not commonly known, and their openness to improvisation.

21:15-22:15 Romano Glaszo

This ensemble's musical palette includes arrangements of European Gypsy, Hungarian, Serbian, Romanian, Balkan and Jewish folk songs. Their playing inspires openness and acceptance.

22:30-24:00 DJ Daniel Moritz

Damiel’s style is rooted in both the underground music and ballroom scenes, bringing a unique blend of house, hard groove, dark disco and voguing beats to the dance floor.

The event is free!

The Street Ball is supported by Groupama Biztosító.

French Institute Budapest
1011 Budapest, Fő u. 17

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