Wáberer Medical Center in Budapest Offers First Step Clinic Instead of GP Surgery
- 27 Feb 2024 3:46 PM
From the WMC Team:
How can Wáberer Medical Center’s new service, the First Step Outpatient Clinic, help you by providing your patients with immediate diagnostic imaging tests if needed?
You can contact us with the complaints below:
* Lower back pain
* Mild abdominal pain
* Headache
* Urinary tract infection, fever
* Stabbing chest pain associated with breathing or movement,
* Fever, respiratory tract infection
For whom is First Step Clinic is recommended?
We only accept patients over the age of 18 with complaints lasting for more than 24 hours
We want to assist you in situations when you are considering getting medical help, be it from your GP, on call service or the emergency department. lf you want to rule out a serious medical condition casing your complaints, if you are looking far reassuring answers, if you feel you may need a prescription, a laboratory or an imaging test.
When your complaints from a few days aga leave you with asking yourself “do I need antibiotics?”, “I wish I could see a doctor now!”, “I hope I do not have any serious condition”, we can help you find reassuring answers, rule out problems and decide what to do next.
First Step Clinic provides care far outpatients. The Clinic is not suitable far patient who are unable to walk and sit on their own.
ln which cases we do not recommend visiting First Step Clinic?
Sudden onset or rapid deterioration of severe symptoms may be caused by serious, often life-threatening conditions requiring emergeny treatment in order to prevent danger to life- often by involving several medical specialities. Call ambulance services (112) or go to the nearest emergency department in such cases.
When is it recommended to go to another specialist clinic or hospital?
* lf you have any of the fallowing complaints, we recommend visiting a specialist in the area concerned:
- gynaecological complaints (except need far emergency contraceptives)
- pregnancy releated –
- and eye
* ln case of a flare-up of a known, treated disease, we recommend you to consult your treating physician for the best
* ln case of injury it is advisable to seektraumatology
* ln case of severe, alarming symptoms, it is recommended to call ambulance service (112) or visit the emergency Please be aware that we do not treat patients with symptoms detailed above.
General symptoms that are alarming and suggest a serious disease:
* Confusion
* Fainting, loss of consciousness
* Epileptic seizure
* Limb and/or facial paresis
* Rapid breathing, shortness of breath (cannot finish a sentence),
* Pale skin with cold sweat,
* Unable to stand on his/her own feet
* Vomiting that cannot be controlled
* Vomiting blood, passing blood in stools or urine, vaginal bleeding
The examination process, possible outcomes at the First Step Clinic
* Basic consultation: within a 30-minute medical consultation specialits ask about your Then targeted physical examination follows, blood pressure, pulse, oxygen levei is checked and ECG scan is performed, if necessary.
* lf the consultation uncovers the underlying problem, specialists will provide you with advice and a prescription if necessary. lf necessary, you will be called back for a follow-up.
* The basic consultation may indicate further examinations including blood test (the result is available within 30 minutes), X ray, and abdominal-pelvic ultrasound scan on the same, then specialists provide a 15-minute summary consultation on the
* ln certain cases, CT or MRI scan might be Depending on your condition and availability, these advanced imaging tests can be arranged for the same day or within a few days. Then, specialists provide a 30 min consultation on the results, or refers you to the appropriate specialist for follow-up.
* lf the consultation(s) and tests confirm an acute condition requiring emergency care, you will be referred to an emergency department or hospital.
Click here to virtually visit Wáberer Medical Center in Budapest for further information and prices
Booking: +36 1 323 7000