Direct Flights Between Budapest And Biggest Cities in United States Coming Soon?
- 4 Feb 2025 8:22 AM

The lender will accept applications for credit through the network of Tourinform offices, Nagy said, adding that the first lending programme would be announced in the autumn.
Nagy said talks were underway on launching direct flights between Budapest and the biggest cities in the United States. Such flights, he added, would be important for economic ties and tourism.
He also mentioned plans to ease bilateral visa regulations.
Nagy said a support programme for three- and four-star hotels in the capital was on the agenda.
The tourism sector is a "real engine" of GDP growth, he said, adding that guest numbers were set to reach an annual 20m by 2030.
Visit Hungary CEO Oliver Csendes said a HUF 400m fund to support conference tourism in Budapest would be established in 2025.
Liszt Ferenc International CEO Francois Berisot said passenger numbers at the airport had climbed 20pc to 17.5m in 2024. The number of passengers from China nearly tripled, he added.
Cargo volume at the airport jumped 49pc close to 300,000 tonnes, he said.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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