Nóra Szegedi, Former Manager of Xpat Wine Club

  • 10 Apr 2015 12:00 PM
Nóra Szegedi, Former Manager of Xpat Wine Club
The renewed Xpat Wince Club comes with original aims and fresh ideas… and new faces: Nora Szegedi:, wine fan and student at the Austrian Weinakademie, is now our friendly local guide in Budapest’s wonderful wine world.

What brings you to the Xpat Wine Club?
Well, a great friendship with XpatLoop.com, and of course with wine!
I lived in other countries myself for many years, so I feel close to Xpats living here in Budapest, and am glad to introduce them to lots of outstanding Hungarian wines and their makers.

Are you a wine expert or 'just a wine lover'?
I think i need a few more years of wine tasting experience until I can call myself an expert… But i’m on my way there :- ) Already I've passed the WSET (Wine and Spirit Education Trust) Advanced course, and I'm on the Diploma course at the Weinakademie in Rust. So until I objectively deserve the ”expert” title i prefer to call myself a big big wine lover…

Where does this interest come from?
Good question… I don’t have a winemaker backgrounds (except my grandma’s basement wine :-) I finished law school but knew that it’s not for me. I always loved wine but the real passion came when i finished my first wine course. At the beginning it was only a hobby, now its also my job and a big part of my life…

Your job?
Yes, next to the Xpat Wine Club i work for Borjour. We organize regular wine tastings in Budapest, around 30 per year, from small up to huge events. We have a great team, and I’ve learned a lot from them… And now i’m really glad to manage this wine initiative where I can add more of my own ideas!

Your other passions?
Rock music, good food, and spinning class.

Where did u grow up?
In Debrecen. It was a very nice place to spend my childhood and my teenage years. After that it became a bit small for me :-)

Your fauvorite city in Europe?
I love Budapest, I find it an amazing place to live. A seaside would make it perfect… Other fauvorites are Barcelona and Rome.

Fauvorite food?
Harcsapaprikás túróscsuszával (have fun translating that :-)) and everything that’s Italian.

Red or white wine?
Bad question for me, sorry I could never say :-)

What is never missing from your kitchen?
Wine and different kinds of cheese. And coffee of course!

Morning person or night person?
Definately night! But I love one thing in the mornings too, coffee :-)

Sea or mountains?

Vacation plans?
Wine tour in Tuscany.

What can’t you resist?
Chocolate, and Haribos.

Book or movie?

Buda side or Pest side?
Pest, because I live there, and my fauvorite wine bars are just around the corner!

Fauvorite place in Budapest?
The castle and my fave wine bars.

Any fauvorite quotes?
"It is the useless things that make life worth living and that make life dangerous too: wine, love, art, beauty. Without them life is safe, but not worth bothering with.” Stephen Fry


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