Growing up in post-World War II era Arizona, young Sammy Fabelman aspires to become a filmmaker as he reaches adolescence, but soon discovers a shattering family secret and explores how the power of films can help him see the truth.
Director(s): Steven Spielberg
Starring: Gabriel LaBelle, Michelle Williams, Paul Dano, Seth Rogen, Jeannie Berlin, Judd Hirsch, Julia Butters, Chloe East, Sam Rechner, Keeley Karsten, Oakes Fegley, Isabelle Kusman, Robin Bartlett, David Lynch, Mateo Zoryon Francis-DeFord, Sophia Kopera, Birdie Borria, Alina Brace, Chandler Lovelle, Gustavo Escobar, Nicolas Cantu, Cooper Dodson, Gabriel Bateman, Stephen Matthew Smith, Lane Factor, James Urbaniak, Alex Quijano, Kalama Epstein, Connor Trinneer, Greg Grunberg, Jan Hoag, Carlos Javier Castillo, Ezra Buzzington, Paul Chepikian, Brinly Marum, Crystal the Monkey, Art Bonilla, Meredith VanCuyk, Nicole Alicia Xavier, Vera Myers, Larkin Campbell, Cody Mitchell, Caroline Anna-Kaye Green, Rob Shiells, Julyah Rose, April Elize, Jonathan Moorwood, Ari Davis, Jared Becker, Kendal Evans, Trang Vo, Mason Bumba, Mary M. Flynn, Adriel Porter, Tia Nalls, Harper Dustin, Alejandro Fuenzalida, Orion Hunter, Samantha Rose Gomez, Taylor Hall, Sarah Hamilton, Paige Locke, Marissa McBride
Genre: Drama
Length: 151
Release date: 2022-11-11
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