884 result(s) for budget bill
Hungary's Kúria Cancels Frequency Tender
- 27 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
The Kúria, Hungary’s supreme court, yesterday upheld the Capital Court’s annulment of last year’s frequency tender for a fourth mobile operator in Hungary. As a result state mobile operator MPVI Mobil cannot launch a service, which was originally planned for December 2012.
Hungarian Gov’t Rolling Out New Ad Campaign
- 26 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
The government will spend Ft 500 million on an advertising campaign to promote its achievements, starting this week, spokesman András Giró-Szász told reporters on Monday. The campaign of leaflets, billboards and other outdoor media will proclaim the message that “Hungary is Doing Better”.
Minister Varga: Hungarian Government Is Sticking To Its Deficit Target
- 25 Feb 2013 8:02 AM
- current affairs
"The Government is sticking to its previously adopted deficit target of under three percent", announced Minister without portfolio Mihály Varga on Friday in reaction to the European Commission's winter forecast.
Xpat Opinion: New Hungarian Education System: Model Was France
- 25 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me before. Rózsa Hoffmann, the Francophile, most likely turned to the French system when under her stewardship the whole Hungarian primary and secondary education system was turned upside down. Among other things, she wanted children to start their language education with a romance language (clearly she had French in mind) and wanted to discourage the study of ...
Analysts Assess Effects Of Bond Issue In Hungary
- 19 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Hungary's dollar-denominated bond issue lowers the risk that the government will tap the central bank’s foreign-currency reserves, London-based analysts said, after Hungary issued five- and ten-year bonds to a total value of $3.25 billion last Tuesday. The issue practically rules out a loan agreement with the IMF, they remarked, while noting that an IMF loan would have carried much lower yields.
Hungary's PM Addresses Parliament At The Opening Of The Spring Session
- 12 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
"Last week’s agreement on the European Union’s budget for the next seven-year period is the single biggest success from Hungary’s point of view since the country joined the EU in 2004", Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in his pre-agenda speech at the opening of the spring session of the Parliament on 11 February. The Prime Minister stressed that Hungary had achieved almost everything it possibly ...
Xpat Opinion: EU Budget Deal: A Hungarian Perspective
- 11 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- business
Commentators from across the political spectrum agree that the government has managed to increase the sum originally allocated to Hungary in the 2014-2020 EU budget. They also agree however that more effective EU integration would require far more money.
Hungary To Utilize 2014-2020 EU Funds In A More Concentrated Way
- 8 Feb 2013 7:00 AM
- business
Hungary plans to utilize available funds in a more concentrated way than it does currently during the European Union's upcoming development period in 2014-2020, stressed Deputy Secretary of State for Development Programmes Nándor Csepreghy in Budapest on Thursday at the conference jointly organised by the Regional Development Holding and business magazine Piac és Profit (Market and Profit).
IMF Loan Instalment Paid Early By Hungary
- 28 Jan 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Hungary paid a €607 million instalment on its 2008 IMF loan on Friday, two weeks before it was due, Economy Minister György Matolcsy announced. The early repayment was possible because investors had snapped up the new retail euro bond Pemák, purchasing a total €1.3 billion Matolcsy said.
Hungary's Kúria Cancels Frequency Tender
- 27 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
The Kúria, Hungary’s supreme court, yesterday upheld the Capital Court’s annulment of last year’s frequency tender for a fourth mobile operator in Hungary. As a result state mobile operator MPVI Mobil cannot launch a service, which was originally planned for December 2012.
Hungarian Gov’t Rolling Out New Ad Campaign
- 26 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
The government will spend Ft 500 million on an advertising campaign to promote its achievements, starting this week, spokesman András Giró-Szász told reporters on Monday. The campaign of leaflets, billboards and other outdoor media will proclaim the message that “Hungary is Doing Better”.
Minister Varga: Hungarian Government Is Sticking To Its Deficit Target
- 25 Feb 2013 8:02 AM
- current affairs
"The Government is sticking to its previously adopted deficit target of under three percent", announced Minister without portfolio Mihály Varga on Friday in reaction to the European Commission's winter forecast.
Xpat Opinion: New Hungarian Education System: Model Was France
- 25 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me before. Rózsa Hoffmann, the Francophile, most likely turned to the French system when under her stewardship the whole Hungarian primary and secondary education system was turned upside down. Among other things, she wanted children to start their language education with a romance language (clearly she had French in mind) and wanted to discourage the study of ...
Analysts Assess Effects Of Bond Issue In Hungary
- 19 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Hungary's dollar-denominated bond issue lowers the risk that the government will tap the central bank’s foreign-currency reserves, London-based analysts said, after Hungary issued five- and ten-year bonds to a total value of $3.25 billion last Tuesday. The issue practically rules out a loan agreement with the IMF, they remarked, while noting that an IMF loan would have carried much lower yields.
Hungary's PM Addresses Parliament At The Opening Of The Spring Session
- 12 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
"Last week’s agreement on the European Union’s budget for the next seven-year period is the single biggest success from Hungary’s point of view since the country joined the EU in 2004", Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in his pre-agenda speech at the opening of the spring session of the Parliament on 11 February. The Prime Minister stressed that Hungary had achieved almost everything it possibly ...
Xpat Opinion: EU Budget Deal: A Hungarian Perspective
- 11 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- business
Commentators from across the political spectrum agree that the government has managed to increase the sum originally allocated to Hungary in the 2014-2020 EU budget. They also agree however that more effective EU integration would require far more money.
Hungary To Utilize 2014-2020 EU Funds In A More Concentrated Way
- 8 Feb 2013 7:00 AM
- business
Hungary plans to utilize available funds in a more concentrated way than it does currently during the European Union's upcoming development period in 2014-2020, stressed Deputy Secretary of State for Development Programmes Nándor Csepreghy in Budapest on Thursday at the conference jointly organised by the Regional Development Holding and business magazine Piac és Profit (Market and Profit).
IMF Loan Instalment Paid Early By Hungary
- 28 Jan 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Hungary paid a €607 million instalment on its 2008 IMF loan on Friday, two weeks before it was due, Economy Minister György Matolcsy announced. The early repayment was possible because investors had snapped up the new retail euro bond Pemák, purchasing a total €1.3 billion Matolcsy said.