969 result(s) for every sunday
Marxim Pub Pizzéria
- food & drink
Marxim Pub represents the past socialist principles but only with regard to the five-year plan of the manager, proving his accuracy.
The pub offers a good atmosphere with much vitty humor as accompaniments to the delicious Italian pizza and drinks. Since everything had to work properly as we know it from history, the fast service is worthy of the morals of the 80s.
Open: ...
The pub offers a good atmosphere with much vitty humor as accompaniments to the delicious Italian pizza and drinks. Since everything had to work properly as we know it from history, the fast service is worthy of the morals of the 80s.
Open: ...
1024 Budapest, Kisrókus utca 23.
Phone: +36 1 316 0231
International Baptist Church of Budapest
- community & culture
Every Sunday at 10: 30 am with Coffee Fellowship at 10 am
1025 Budapest, Törökvész út 48-54.
Lutheran Church of Budavár
- community & culture
Every Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
1014 Budapest, Táncsics Mihály u. 28.
Phone: +36 1 356 9736
St Margaret's Anglican Church
- community & culture
Services every Sunday at 10.30am unless otherwise notified
1121 Budapest Eötvös út 35. / 1071 Budapest, Városligeti fasor 17-21.
Phone: +36 20 269 5161
St. Columba's Church of Scotland
- community & culture
Service is held every Sunday at 11 am
Riverside Church Budapest
- community & culture
Every Sunday 09:30 and 11:15. Programs for kids available.
Marxim Pub Pizzéria
- food & drink
Marxim Pub represents the past socialist principles but only with regard to the five-year plan of the manager, proving his accuracy.
The pub offers a good atmosphere with much vitty humor as accompaniments to the delicious Italian pizza and drinks. Since everything had to work properly as we know it from history, the fast service is worthy of the morals of the 80s.
Open: ...
The pub offers a good atmosphere with much vitty humor as accompaniments to the delicious Italian pizza and drinks. Since everything had to work properly as we know it from history, the fast service is worthy of the morals of the 80s.
Open: ...
1024 Budapest, Kisrókus utca 23.
Phone: +36 1 316 0231
International Baptist Church of Budapest
- community & culture
Every Sunday at 10: 30 am with Coffee Fellowship at 10 am
1025 Budapest, Törökvész út 48-54.
Lutheran Church of Budavár
- community & culture
Every Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
1014 Budapest, Táncsics Mihály u. 28.
Phone: +36 1 356 9736
St Margaret's Anglican Church
- community & culture
Services every Sunday at 10.30am unless otherwise notified
1121 Budapest Eötvös út 35. / 1071 Budapest, Városligeti fasor 17-21.
Phone: +36 20 269 5161
St. Columba's Church of Scotland
- community & culture
Service is held every Sunday at 11 am
Riverside Church Budapest
- community & culture
Every Sunday 09:30 and 11:15. Programs for kids available.