313 result(s) for foreign politics
Advertising Tax Angers Hungarian Media
- 25 Jun 2014 9:00 AM
- current affairs
Its advocates call it a remedy to rectify the harm done by commercial television stations but its opponents see it as yet another move to narrow the freedom of the press.
New Hungarian Cabinet To Be Formed On June 6
- 14 May 2014 9:00 AM
- current affairs
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will present his new government on June 6, János Lázár, the head of the PM’s Office, announced in parliament on Tuesday. Speaking in a debate on the future structure of Hungary’s ministries, Lázár said the new governmental structure would be “clear, simple and straightforward” rather than one “seeking political equilibrium”.
Xpat Opinion: PM Orbán In Berlin: ‘Hungary Too Has Something To Offer The Future Of Europe’
- 13 May 2014 9:00 AM
- current affairs
Yesterday in Berlin, Prime Minister Orbán delivered a speech that laid out his vision of a Hungary renewed, a Central Europe that plays a driving force for growth in Europe, and important challenges that confront the European Continent.
Xpat Opinion: Week-Long Demonstration In Budapest Was Not In Vain
- 24 Apr 2014 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Many people labeled the dogged effort of a small group of protesters against the erection of the proposed monument to the victims of the German “occupation” of Hungary a waste of time and energy. What will they achieve? Nothing. They dismantled the barricade around the proposed site ten or eleven times, but work on the foundation for the monument continued unabated. The monument showing ...
Xpat Opinion: The Political Bickering Has Begun In Hungary
- 10 Apr 2014 9:00 AM
- current affairs
The disappointment among sympathizers of the democratic opposition forces is indescribable. But reasonable barometers of the mood in this circle are the call-in shows on Klubrádió and ATV, which by now are the only opposition electronic media in Hungary.
Hungarians Go To The Polls To Elect A New Parliament
- 6 Apr 2014 10:00 AM
- current affairs
Today Hungarians vote in free, multi-party elections for the sixth time since the fall of Communism in 1989. They are doing so at the conclusion of an official six week campaign period during which time there has been virtually no public discussion or debate of issues other than which party or parties can best be relied upon to further reduce household utility bills.
Xpat Opinion: Orban Addresses Supporters At Political Rally IIn Budapest
- 1 Apr 2014 12:00 PM
- current affairs
Together we have transformed and renewed the country. Together we have modernized and streamlined the country. We have turned our broken down, stalling, flat-tired vehicle into a fool-proof, fast, and valiant race car. Teetering on the verge of bankruptcy, with no self-respect and no confidence, our country in decline was transformed into a nation that grows stronger day by day, transformed into ...
The Beijing-Belgrade-Budapest Axis
- 1 Apr 2014 9:00 AM
- travel
During his visit to Beijing this February, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán concluded an agreement on the construction of a high-speed rail line from Budapest to Belgrade and about the so-called V0 rail cargo line bypassing Budapest. Both projects would be built by the Chinese State Railway Company, and co-financed by the China Exim Bank and the Hungarian Development Bank. As BBJ has ...
Scandal In Hungary International Press Corps Has Ignored
- 19 Mar 2014 8:00 AM
- current affairs
"As a Government spokesman, I avoid commenting on political party issues, but I do speak up about media bias, and this story has become much bigger than mere party politics.
Advertising Tax Angers Hungarian Media
- 25 Jun 2014 9:00 AM
- current affairs
Its advocates call it a remedy to rectify the harm done by commercial television stations but its opponents see it as yet another move to narrow the freedom of the press.
New Hungarian Cabinet To Be Formed On June 6
- 14 May 2014 9:00 AM
- current affairs
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will present his new government on June 6, János Lázár, the head of the PM’s Office, announced in parliament on Tuesday. Speaking in a debate on the future structure of Hungary’s ministries, Lázár said the new governmental structure would be “clear, simple and straightforward” rather than one “seeking political equilibrium”.
Xpat Opinion: PM Orbán In Berlin: ‘Hungary Too Has Something To Offer The Future Of Europe’
- 13 May 2014 9:00 AM
- current affairs
Yesterday in Berlin, Prime Minister Orbán delivered a speech that laid out his vision of a Hungary renewed, a Central Europe that plays a driving force for growth in Europe, and important challenges that confront the European Continent.
Xpat Opinion: Week-Long Demonstration In Budapest Was Not In Vain
- 24 Apr 2014 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Many people labeled the dogged effort of a small group of protesters against the erection of the proposed monument to the victims of the German “occupation” of Hungary a waste of time and energy. What will they achieve? Nothing. They dismantled the barricade around the proposed site ten or eleven times, but work on the foundation for the monument continued unabated. The monument showing ...
Xpat Opinion: The Political Bickering Has Begun In Hungary
- 10 Apr 2014 9:00 AM
- current affairs
The disappointment among sympathizers of the democratic opposition forces is indescribable. But reasonable barometers of the mood in this circle are the call-in shows on Klubrádió and ATV, which by now are the only opposition electronic media in Hungary.
Hungarians Go To The Polls To Elect A New Parliament
- 6 Apr 2014 10:00 AM
- current affairs
Today Hungarians vote in free, multi-party elections for the sixth time since the fall of Communism in 1989. They are doing so at the conclusion of an official six week campaign period during which time there has been virtually no public discussion or debate of issues other than which party or parties can best be relied upon to further reduce household utility bills.
Xpat Opinion: Orban Addresses Supporters At Political Rally IIn Budapest
- 1 Apr 2014 12:00 PM
- current affairs
Together we have transformed and renewed the country. Together we have modernized and streamlined the country. We have turned our broken down, stalling, flat-tired vehicle into a fool-proof, fast, and valiant race car. Teetering on the verge of bankruptcy, with no self-respect and no confidence, our country in decline was transformed into a nation that grows stronger day by day, transformed into ...
The Beijing-Belgrade-Budapest Axis
- 1 Apr 2014 9:00 AM
- travel
During his visit to Beijing this February, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán concluded an agreement on the construction of a high-speed rail line from Budapest to Belgrade and about the so-called V0 rail cargo line bypassing Budapest. Both projects would be built by the Chinese State Railway Company, and co-financed by the China Exim Bank and the Hungarian Development Bank. As BBJ has ...
Scandal In Hungary International Press Corps Has Ignored
- 19 Mar 2014 8:00 AM
- current affairs
"As a Government spokesman, I avoid commenting on political party issues, but I do speak up about media bias, and this story has become much bigger than mere party politics.