466 result(s) for serbia border
Hungarian Police Detain Over 1,000 Illegal Immigrants At Serbia Border
- 9 Feb 2015 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Police detained 1,022 illegal immigrants during a single day at Hungary’s southern border with Serbia, a local police spokesman said on Sunday. A total of 991 of them were Kosovar nationals, 18 were Afghans, seven Iraqi, three Cuban, two Syrian and one a Somali national.
Hungary’s Police Chief: 2014 Crime, Public Security Situation Balanced
- 6 Feb 2015 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Crime and public safety in Hungary last year was balanced and free of extremism, the national police chief told a general annual staff meeting. Assessing 2014, Károly Papp said the major focus areas were providing law enforcement duties during the three elections, improving public safety and public order in Hungary’s localities, ensuring external border control and tackling an increasing wave of ...
Kosovar Asylum Seekers At 22,000 In Hungary
- 6 Feb 2015 8:00 AM
- current affairs
The number of Kosovars applying for political asylum in Hungary has grown from 223 in 2012 to 6,084 in 2013, and 21,837 last year, according to the Immigration, Citizenship and Refugee Office.
Immigration: 250 Kosovar Migrants Taken Off From Munich-Bound Train
- 3 Feb 2015 8:00 AM
- current affairs
250 Kosovar migrants travelling without travel documents were taken down from a Munich-bound RailJet train at a railway station in Győr, western Hungary, this morning. The migrants, many of them children, were asked to produce their IDs, which they were unable to do.
Drastic Rise In Asylum Seekers In Hungary
- 15 Jan 2015 8:00 AM
- current affairs
The number of applications for political asylum in Hungary has risen dramatically in the past two years, taking authorities by surprise, Immigration and Citizenship Office leader Zsuzsanna Végh announced on Wednesday.
Jobbik: Gas Pipeline Avoiding Ukraine Must For Hungary
- 4 Dec 2014 3:00 AM
- current affairs
Hungary’s gas supplies should be balanced and multi-faceted, which requires a pipeline that bypasses Ukraine, the radical nationalist Jobbik party said. Bulgaria has refused to start work on the South Stream pipeline on pressure from the EU and the US, Lajos Kepli, the party’s lawmaker, said. He added, however, that Russia had not given up on the idea of exporting gas to Europe.
Hundreds Of Illegal Immigrants Stopped In S Hungary
- 26 Nov 2014 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Altogether 295 border illegal immigrants, including several women and children, have been stopped by the Csongrád County police, in south Hungary, in a single day.
Hungary Beset By Growing Regional Differences
- 24 Oct 2014 9:00 AM
- business
The gap between the fast-growing and sluggish regions of Hungary is widening, we learn from a new study on the status of the country's various districts. Budapest and the northwest regions are head and shoulders above the rest, in particular the northeast and the disadvantaged areas along the Dráva River in the southwest corner of the country.
Xpat Interview: Dr. Jennifer Walker, Freelance Writer & Journalist
- 10 Sep 2014 12:00 PM
Jennifer is an ex-nuclear physicist turned freelance travel writer and cultural journalist. Originally from the UK, Jennifer comes from a mixed background of British and Hungarian heritage. Born in Epsom, Surrey, to an English father and Hungarian mother, Jennifer grew up between East Sussex and Budapest, infusing her with a wanderlust and a fascination for other cultures.
Hungarian Police Detain Over 1,000 Illegal Immigrants At Serbia Border
- 9 Feb 2015 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Police detained 1,022 illegal immigrants during a single day at Hungary’s southern border with Serbia, a local police spokesman said on Sunday. A total of 991 of them were Kosovar nationals, 18 were Afghans, seven Iraqi, three Cuban, two Syrian and one a Somali national.
Hungary’s Police Chief: 2014 Crime, Public Security Situation Balanced
- 6 Feb 2015 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Crime and public safety in Hungary last year was balanced and free of extremism, the national police chief told a general annual staff meeting. Assessing 2014, Károly Papp said the major focus areas were providing law enforcement duties during the three elections, improving public safety and public order in Hungary’s localities, ensuring external border control and tackling an increasing wave of ...
Kosovar Asylum Seekers At 22,000 In Hungary
- 6 Feb 2015 8:00 AM
- current affairs
The number of Kosovars applying for political asylum in Hungary has grown from 223 in 2012 to 6,084 in 2013, and 21,837 last year, according to the Immigration, Citizenship and Refugee Office.
Immigration: 250 Kosovar Migrants Taken Off From Munich-Bound Train
- 3 Feb 2015 8:00 AM
- current affairs
250 Kosovar migrants travelling without travel documents were taken down from a Munich-bound RailJet train at a railway station in Győr, western Hungary, this morning. The migrants, many of them children, were asked to produce their IDs, which they were unable to do.
Drastic Rise In Asylum Seekers In Hungary
- 15 Jan 2015 8:00 AM
- current affairs
The number of applications for political asylum in Hungary has risen dramatically in the past two years, taking authorities by surprise, Immigration and Citizenship Office leader Zsuzsanna Végh announced on Wednesday.
Jobbik: Gas Pipeline Avoiding Ukraine Must For Hungary
- 4 Dec 2014 3:00 AM
- current affairs
Hungary’s gas supplies should be balanced and multi-faceted, which requires a pipeline that bypasses Ukraine, the radical nationalist Jobbik party said. Bulgaria has refused to start work on the South Stream pipeline on pressure from the EU and the US, Lajos Kepli, the party’s lawmaker, said. He added, however, that Russia had not given up on the idea of exporting gas to Europe.
Hundreds Of Illegal Immigrants Stopped In S Hungary
- 26 Nov 2014 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Altogether 295 border illegal immigrants, including several women and children, have been stopped by the Csongrád County police, in south Hungary, in a single day.
Hungary Beset By Growing Regional Differences
- 24 Oct 2014 9:00 AM
- business
The gap between the fast-growing and sluggish regions of Hungary is widening, we learn from a new study on the status of the country's various districts. Budapest and the northwest regions are head and shoulders above the rest, in particular the northeast and the disadvantaged areas along the Dráva River in the southwest corner of the country.
Xpat Interview: Dr. Jennifer Walker, Freelance Writer & Journalist
- 10 Sep 2014 12:00 PM
Jennifer is an ex-nuclear physicist turned freelance travel writer and cultural journalist. Originally from the UK, Jennifer comes from a mixed background of British and Hungarian heritage. Born in Epsom, Surrey, to an English father and Hungarian mother, Jennifer grew up between East Sussex and Budapest, infusing her with a wanderlust and a fascination for other cultures.