Ferenczi György & The 1st Pesti Racka-S Concert, Fonó Budapest, 29 July


Ferenczi György & The 1st Pesti Racka-S Concert, Fonó Budapest, 29 July
Concerts by Ferenczi György and his band blend Hungarian culture with their love of the rock’n’roll revolution.

This is how a dawn tune from Transylvania’s Kalotaszeg region fits together with Petőfi's and Gérecz's poetry and the music of Jimi Hendrix.

The outstanding energy of their production will bring smiles to all who join them for an evening rich in information and humor.

The band’s concept makes numerous references to the rock’n’roll revolution and American music culture.
Place: Fonó Budapest
Address: 1116 Budapest Sztregova u 3.
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